162 research outputs found

    Efficient Construction of the Boomerang Connection Table

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    Recently, the Boomerang Connection Table was introduced by Cid et al. as a tool to better evaluate the probability of a boomerang distinguisher. To compute the BCT of an nn-bit to nn-bit S-box, the inventors of the BCT proposed an algorithm that takes O(23n)O(2^{3n}) time. We show that one can construct the same table in only O(22n)O(2^{2n}) time

    Linear Analysis of Reduced-Round CubeHash

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    Recent developments in the field of cryptanalysis of hash functions has inspired NIST to announce a competition for selecting a new cryptographic hash function to join the SHA family of standards. One of the 14 second-round candidates is CubeHash designed by Daniel J. Bernstein. CubeHash is a unique hash function in the sense that it does not iterate a common compression function, and offers a structure which resembles a sponge function, even though it is not exactly a sponge function. In this paper we analyze reduced-round variants of CubeHash where the adversary controls the full 1024-bit input to reduced-round CubeHash and can observe its full output. We show that linear approximations with high biases exist in reduced-round variants. For example, we present an 11-round linear approximation with bias of 2^{−235}, which allows distinguishing 11-round CubeHash using about 2^{470} queries. We also discuss the extension of this distinguisher to 12 rounds using message modification techniques. Finally, we present a linear distinguisher for 14-round CubeHash which uses about 2^{812} queries

    Another Look at Differential-Linear Attacks

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    Differential-Linear (DL) cryptanalysis is a well known cryptanalytic technique that combines differential and linear cryptanalysis. Over the years, multiple techniques were proposed to increase its strength and applicability. Two relatively recent ones are: The partitioning technique by Leurent and the use of neutral bits adapted by Beierle et al. to DL cryptanalysis. In this paper we compare these techniques and discuss the possibility of using them together to achieve the best possible DL attacks. We study the combination of these two techniques and show that in many cases they are indeed compatible. We demonstrate the strength of the combination in two ways. First, we present the first DL attack on 4-round Xoodyak and an extension to 5-round in the related key model. We show that the attacks are possible only by using these two techniques simultaneously. In addition, using the combination of the two techniques we improve a DL attack on 9-round DES. We show that the partitioning technique mainly reduces the time complexity, and the use of neutral bits mainly reduces the data complexity, while the combination of them reduces both the time and data complexities

    Practical Attacks on NESHA-256

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    Abstract. NESHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function designed by Esmaeili et al. and presented at WCC \u2709. We show that NESHA-256 is highly insecure

    ABC - A New Framework for Block Ciphers

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    We suggest a new framework for block ciphers named Advanced Block Cipher, or shortly ABC. ABC has additional non-secret parameters that ensure that each call to the underlying block cipher uses a different pseudo-random permutation. It therefore ensures that attacks that require more than one block encrypted under the same secret permutation cannot apply. In particular, this framework protects against dictionary attacks, and differential and linear attacks, and eliminates weaknesses of ECB and CBC modes. This new framework shares a common structure with HAIFA, and can share the same logic with HAIFA compression functions. We analyze the security of several modes of operation for ABCs block ciphers, and suggest a few instances of ABCs

    Practical Related-Key Forgery Attacks on the Full TinyJAMBU-192/256

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    TinyJambu is one of the finalists in the NIST lightweight cryptography competition. It has undergone extensive analysis in the recent years as both the keyed permutation as well as the mode are new designs. In this paper we present a related-key forgery attackon the updated TinyJambu scheme with 256- and 192-bit keys. We introduce a high probability related-key differential attack were the differences are only introduced into the key state. Therefore, the characteristic is applicable to the TinyJambu mode and can be used to mount a forgery attack. The time and data complexity of the forgery are 2322^{32} using 2102^{10} related-keys for the 256-bit key version, and 2422^{42} using 2122^{12} related-keys for the 192-bit key version. For the 128-bit key we construct a related-key differential characteristic on the full keyed permutation of TinyJambu with a probability of 2−162^{-16}. We extend the related-key differential characteristics on TinyJambu to practical time key recovery attacks that extract the full key from the keyed permutation with a time and data complexity of 2232^{23}, 2202^{20}, and 2182^{18} for respectively the 128-, 192-, and 256-bit key variants. All characteristics are experimentally verified and we provide key nonce pairs that produce the same tag to show the feasibility of the forgery attack

    Full Round Zero-sum Distinguishers on TinyJAMBU-128 and TinyJAMBU-192 Keyed-permutation in the Known-key setting

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    TinyJAMBU is one of the finalists in the NIST lightweight standardization competition. This paper presents full round practical zero-sum distinguishers on the keyed permutation used in TinyJAMBU. We propose a full round zero-sum distinguisher on the 128- and 192-bit key variants and a reduced round zero-sum distinguisher for the 256-bit key variant in the known-key settings. Our best known-key distinguisher works with 2162^{16} data/time complexity on the full 128-bit version and with 2232^{23} data/time complexity on the full 192-bit version. For the 256-bit ver- sion, we can distinguish 1152 rounds (out of 1280 rounds) in the known- key settings. In addition, we present the best zero-sum distinguishers in the secret-key settings: with complexity 2232^{23} we can distinguish 544 rounds in the forward direction or 576 rounds in the backward direction. For finding the zero-sum distinguisher, we bound the algebraic degree of the TinyJAMBU permutation using the monomial prediction technique proposed by Hu et al. at ASIACRYPT 2020. We model the monomial prediction rule on TinyJAMBU in MILP and find upper bounds on the degree by computing the parity of the number of solutions
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